Thursday, August 6, 2009

So I just have to brag a little......

The house looks A LOT LIKE A HOUSE! We're planning for the 4-way inspection Wednesday or Thursday, then we could use some help running low voltage wire and putting up insulation in the garage and master bedroom. Anyone up for a party?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Holy HOUSE Batman!

We stopped by Cordell & Cheryl's house site on Sunday afternoon, and were amazed to see the footings already poured. Pretty quick considering they just started digging on Tuesday. So this morning I thought I'd post to the blog about that. And then, when I drove by this morning at 10am, they already had the foundation frames in place!


How excited are you guys about THIS HOUSE????

I stole this pic off Cheryl's blog.... but seriously, go check out the creation of a what is quickly becoming a home!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I need help!

So Kenton's out of town on his man-cation and I said that I would repaint a big chunk of our place while he was away. Problem is... I think I bit off more than I can chew. Actually I know I did seeing I've accomplished about an 8th of what I should have by now. I was wondering if anyone was available this sat to help finish things up before Kenton gets home on Sunday evening. Even Sunday after church would be great. Well, let me know. Thanks everyone!

Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm beginning to love my 2nd trimester

Now that I'm only sick in the afternoon evening and night, I've found a few mornings to finally put up our family portraits. Here is the link: Because of the aforementioned needing for puke, these aren't the best quality images. They'll be just fine for 11x14 and smaller but if you want something bigger I'd love for you to let me take your family's again. Well, have fun!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

2009-07-04 4th of July Fun

Click here to view these pictures larger

2009-07-04 4th of July Fun

Ok so here are my Fireworks pictures. From the 4th and also from Sunday in my back yard for my whole 4 fireworks display. lol I thought it was only adding some but it looks like it added them all. hmmm still figuring out shutterfly. But they are all there too in case you want any for your own self.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Oh I do so love the new layout!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July Fun!

Here are just a few pics of our 4th of July Adventures! (I'll upload all of them on my shutterfly if you want some.) Did you get any Stadium Pics Evan & Naylen? Feel free to edit any post and add pics to it if you want!

Lotsa fun! Or should I say.... "and a good time was had by all". (Even these poor people who don't know us from Adam, but had the lucky fortune to be right in front of the clan at the fireworks!) And by the way... if you do sparklers on the hill, the cops will come and tell you that they are getting complaints from people who say "it's not fair!" Waaaaah!

Monday, July 6, 2009

How awesome is it that we support each other!

I thought it was totally amazing that so many people showed up to Anya's and Samantha's games today. It meant a lot to Anya that so many people were cheering her on!

Yeah! Janna actually blogged!

Hey, what's up with everyone joining this blog but not posting anything? Well, Kara illuded to 'someone' posting a more up-to-date photo of the fam. Hmmm, I wonder who should do that? So here you go - ta da! I haven't had time to edit our newest one but at least this one's only 2 years old. I'll be posting the link here to this year's portrait preview when I have it done.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hi It's Necia

My mom is making me check to see if this works. Guess it does!
Blog away!

For the Fam


Let's see if we can do this... a family blog.
(And yeah, someone needs to upload a newer family pic!)

This is a place where everyone can post and comment, upload pictures, send messages, etc.

Just bookmark this spot, and check it lots!

I know some families that live in all different parts of the country, and have a family blog where they just keep it up all day and communicated with each other.

I'm going to put everyone on here as an owner so you can all post.

Try it. You'll like it!