Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July Fun!

Here are just a few pics of our 4th of July Adventures! (I'll upload all of them on my shutterfly if you want some.) Did you get any Stadium Pics Evan & Naylen? Feel free to edit any post and add pics to it if you want!

Lotsa fun! Or should I say.... "and a good time was had by all". (Even these poor people who don't know us from Adam, but had the lucky fortune to be right in front of the clan at the fireworks!) And by the way... if you do sparklers on the hill, the cops will come and tell you that they are getting complaints from people who say "it's not fair!" Waaaaah!

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing pictures from somone elses point of view.. not to mention the ones from the party I missed. :( boo hoo

    I will post some of my fireworks ones and they are on my shutterfly too.
